New Website. New Passwords Required
With the introduction of a brand new website all existing Rangers Website Account Members will be required to request a new password. We also request all members to login to their My Account section and verify their address and contact details.
Why is this?
We have moved to a completely new and even more secure system to handle registration of players and allow for purchasing of merchandise. As such all existing members account information and purchases have been transferred to the new website, however, as all prior passwords were securely encrypted they could not be moved to the new system (we don’t know what they were!).
If you’re having problems logging in, most likely it will be because you need a new password.
Can’t I just create a new account?
No. For security reasons the system will not allow duplicate accounts with the same details.
Can’t I just register players without creating an account?
No. In order to properly register players and capture the required contact details we require a Rangers Website Account to be created. This will let you to securely make and keep track of any purchase you make through the website whilst allowing us to properly administer your purchases and contact you in case of problems or issues.
How do I reset my password?
Fear not, requesting a new password is super easy!
Simply click on the Lost or Request new password link when you try to login or click on the link below.
Details on resetting your password will be sent to you via email. Only takes minutes and then you’re off to the races, well, the ballgame anyways.
Request New Password
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