An important message from our Junior Live Ball Vice president Gary Lowe.
Dear All
Welcome to the 2015/16 season of Baseball with the Rangers Baseball Club. My name is Gary Lowe and I am the “Junior Live Ball Vice President” for the club, having previously been the Seniors VP and a player within the club for the last 10 years.
As you would be aware by now 2014/15 season was very successful for the Rangers Juniors with our club winning the Ryde Hawks Baseball League (RHBL) Club Championship.
In an effort to improve on last year and build our club, the committee in consultation with LL Minor coaches have decided that we should attempt to have at least one LL Major side compete in the RHBL competition this coming season.
This competition runs on a Friday evening in conjunction with the rest of the RHBL baseball season – this will have implications for some I am aware. However for those who are very keen on playing baseball and have intentions of trialing for Representative Baseball with RHBL in this age group later in the season they will need to be playing in the Majors comp.
This of course will see many of the teams from last year affected in some way as they lose or gain players. The club where possible will try and accommodate those wishing to stay with friends or family but it may not be possible in all circumstances. I apologise in advance if you think this may affect you.
That said and I am aware there are kids out there who are not interested in this level of baseball, I would still ask that you come to the trial day/s so we can nominate teams in the appropriate division from the start of the season.
We propose to conduct the first trial on:
1 August, 2015
at Rofe Park
from 2.00pm until 4.00pm
If a further trial is required it will be held on either the Saturday or Sunday of the last weekend in August.
I hope to see you all at Rofe on the 1st of August.
We as a club are also aware that some of the recipients of this email may wish to play with their current age group in the LL Juniors and if you wish to do so that is completely understood but we must offer the opportunity to all of those players who are eligible.
I am open to discussion of this with anyone via email or by phone.
Many Thanks,
Gary Lowe
Rangers Baseball
Junior VP – Live Ball.
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