Action Indoor Sports Mt Kuring-Gai are running free indoor Soft Pitch sessions on a Wednesday 5:30pm – 6:30pm until the end of term 4.
There are 2 courts available. 1 T’Ball and 1 Soft Pitch.
If interested, Please just turn up or for further details contact
Action Indoor Sports Mt Kuring-Gai
7 Gundah Rd, Mt Kuring-Gai
Ph: 02 9457 9040
Email: info@aismtkuring-gai.com.au
For the Senior players, Rangers have been playing Soft Pitch for approx 6 Months on a Wednesday night. These games have a mixture of youth (10 years) up and our Senior members playing 1 hours games. These games are fast paced, lots of fun and have actually seen a great improvement in the skills of the players.
If any seniors (Family Friendly) are interested in having a run, please again turn up approx 7:45pm for 8pm start.
NOTE: Special Game – Baseball Vs Cricket 3rd December 8pm. (Age Restricted)
If you have any questions or would like to talk about Soft Pitch, please contact Action Indoor Sports Mt Kuring-Gai
Rangers Baseball – President – Stephen Anderson 0418217375
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