NSW Women’s Baseball League Junior All Girls development
The NSWWBL are proud to announce the first of 2 new programs for Junior All Girls development!
The first program is aimed at Junior League players with birth dates between May 2001 – December 2003. This program will run for 8 weeks and include a team entry into the annual Coasties Cup Tournament being held at Adcock Park Gosford on the 3rd, 4th & 5th July. If you child is interested in participating in this program which commences in June, the schedule will be as follows.
- SUN 14th June – Trial & Training @ Kellyville Baseball Club. Commencing @ 1:30pm
- SUN 21st June – Trials & Training @ Aquatic Reserve French’s Forest. Commencing @ 1.30pm
- FRI 3rd July – Coasties Cup, Adcock Park Gosford
- SAT 4th July – Coasties Cup, Adcock Park Gosford
- SUN 5th July – Coasties Cup, Adcock Park Gosford
TRAINING VENUES TBA for; 19th, 26th July & 2nd, 9th, 16th August.
The program will be lead by Head Coach Luke Eisenhauer. EOI are sought for assistant coaches. There will also be some of the current NSW Bluesox Women’s team attending sessions to mentor the girls during the course of the program!
Cost of the program will be $100 which includes shirt and cap. If your daughter is interested in joining this exciting new program or you would like to assist in coaching register you interest by sending an email to:
For Players Please Include:
Childs Name
Childs DOB
Parents Name
Parents Contact Details
Childs Shirt Size
For Assistant Coaches Please Include:
ABF Number
Coaching Accreditation Level
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