Registration for the Pan Pacific Masters Games on the Gold Coast is now available. All those who have expressed interest, now is the time to register. Please don’t leave it to the last minute as we have to nominate teams.
The tournament runs from – Saturday 1-8 November, 2014 on the Gold Coast. All information can be viewed at the official site www.mastersgames.com.au
Jeff Watts and Steve Graham participated in the last games in 2012 as guests of the West Sydney Boomers (50 and over) team and had an absolute blast. Now it’s our turn to put a Rangers team in. Remember how much fun the World Masters was!?
Team Registration opens on the 7th of May and there are a maximum of 50 team places available in the total baseball competition.
The available age groups are: Men: 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+ and Women: 30+ (Mixed teams are possible as long as the age group criteria is met). Age as at 31st of October 2014.
The Cost for participation is $95 per player per team AND $100 per person. (This is because people may participate in more than one sport and, if so, need only pay the team costs for the extra sport.)
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