The storms hitting sydney lately sure have been something. None more so than the one that hit Rofe Park on Sunday during the conclusion of the E2’s game.
After working hard to make the back diamond playable, Rangers managed to get in a solid hour and a half before the umpire wisely stopped the game for lightning. This was soon followed by howling winds, rain and then hail, leaving some players scrambling for cover with others huddled in the dugout.
Prior to the wild weather, Rangers had posted a solid 14-2 lead over Greenway on 17 hits over three innings. Andrew Yeates posting two home runs and 6 RBI’s in his 2 plate appearances, with Dan Miechels (2), Matt Mann (2), Ben Ebbeck (2), Rick Yeates (2) and Matt Payne (3) also posting multi-hit ball games.
In the only other Rangers Senior games that weren’t washed out, the F2’s narrowly went down 10-11 to the Tigers whilst the F1’s posted a 5-2 victory.
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