Sadly when the heavens opened on Saturday it also washed away the E2’s chances of a much sought after Grand Final berth with the game never commencing in the soggy conditions. Despite posting the best for and against of any team in the division, Rangers finished the regular season a mere 0.5 of a game out of second and 1.0 game out of first which left their finals fortunes in the hands of mother nature, which despite everyone’s best efforts, ultimately dictated the result. It was an unfortunate turn of events for the red hot E2’s who had compiled 6 consecutive victories on their way to the pointy end of the season including a semi victory over Thornleigh but in the end it was not enough to oust Greenway, who advanced to the big dance despite losing their previous finals matchup.
It goes to show, that every game counts, but it does not take away from a great season for the last Senior team left in the finals race. The men and women of the E2’s accounted for 253 runs scored during the regular season, including 16 home runs in their 16 victories and marked the core groups first finals appearance in nearly 8 seasons. Partner that with their E1 counterparts who played not only a huge role in getting the E2’s to the final, but covered for the missing early game players during the Pan Pacific tournament and other player shortages. All in all, it was a sterling effort from the squad in general with finals beckoning for both teams and camraderie, the only way Rangers know how, at the highest of levels.
Despite the bitter pill to swallow for many members of the team (who’d had their previous grand final opportunity retracted by mother nature), much will be taken from the Summer of 2014/15 and needless to say, Rangers wish their fellow finalists the best of luck in the upcoming decider but will be hungry for retribution in the Winter Season!
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